Monday, December 19, 2005

Justin's Top Games List

While Otis is constantly keeping his top ten games of all time in his head, I
rarely think of them in any order. I generally rank games by how much I get
excited when someone mentions them by name. But maybe this will be a fun
exercise while I kill some time at work (gasp!).

  • Myth: The Fallen Lords - Mac

    The only realtime strategy game that I ever thought was worth finishing.
    Great characters, great graphics, and easy to use and understand controls. I
    really enjoyed the narative throughout the game as well.

  • Star Fox - SNES

    The FX chip one. Not the GameCube one. It was the first time I felt home
    console graphics had gotten anywhere close to arcade graphics.

  • Street Fighter II: Tournament Edition -

    4-5 special moves and really different fighter techniques.

  • NBA Jam: Tournament Edition -

    Over the top slams. That's it.

  • Shadow of the Colossus - PS2

    18 giant bosses stand between you and resurrecting your dead girlfriend. You
    have a sword, a bow and arrow and a black horse. Go for it.

  • Myst - Mac

    For the puzzle lover in me. I totally immersive game with the lights off.

  • Burnout 3: Take Down - Xbox

    Insane crash effects. Insane speed. The only game I've ever appreciated

  • Tetris - NES

    This game brought our family together during long snowy winters.

  • Yars Revenge - 2600

    I blame my parents for who I am today. Twitching and all. What a
    highscore-fest of a game.

  • Katamari Damacy - PS2

    Wacky, wacky, wacky. And catchy songs!

  • SSX Tricky - PS2

    A trick system that made it fun to rub off your thumbprints. Hidden items
    kept this game in the PS2 for a long time.

  • Super Mario Kart DS - NDS

    All the good things about all the Mario Kart games in one package. We'll
    forgive the awfully limited online system.

  • Metroid Prime - GCN

    Deep. Beautiful. Immersive.

  • Halo - XBox

    Not the greatest FPS by far, but XBox system link made it a winner for our

  • Perfect Dark / James Bond 007 GoldenEye -

    Sorry, they had dual guns before Halo. And awesome bots! BOTS!

  • Gran Turismo 1 - PS

    The first taste of customizing regular cars with truly great physics. Where
    did GT go wrong...

  • Forza Motorsports - XBOX

    A perfect blend of simulation racing, tuning, and aftermarket modding.

  • Resident Evil 4 - GCN

    Hands down the best scary game I've ever played.

  • Zelda: Link to the Past - SNES

    My first taste of the SNES. My first real Zelda game too.

  • Zelda: Ocarnia of Time - N64

    The best 3-D adventure game so far. Hands down.

  • Zelda: Twilight Princess -

    The deepest, most immersive Zelda ever as the last great GameCube game.

  • Super Mario 3 - NES

    The elusive Tanooki suit didn't do much, but the games levels really made it
    worth it. Super Mario World only bested it with graphics in my mind (Yoshi
    helped too). The king of the 8-bit era.

  • Super Mario 64 - N64

    "It's a-me, Mario!" Everyone else follow the master of 3-D platformers. And
    annoying voices.

Okay, I originally wanted this to be a top 20, but we're talking about 30 years
of games here, so it's a little tough to be choosy. My list does look a little
on the Nintendo side of things, but I have to give them props where they are
due. Plus, I didn't get a PS2 or Xbox until well after having the GameCube.
Updated (8/17/06): Shadow of the Colossus was so good, I had to extend my
list. Updated (3/16/07): Zelda Twilight Princess Updated
: Forza Motorsports

1 comment:

  1. i'm with you on this one...i don't recall ever thinking about my top 10 games but whenever someone mentions a game (especially the classics) i get all excited:
    as far as my list (as i am thinking of it now) i would share the following games with you:
    Street Fighter II, Tetris, SSX Tricky, Super Mario Kart, Super Mario 3, Zelda: A Link to the Past is by far my favorite game, & Resident Evil 4 (my favorite game of the moment and it scares the crap out of me!) But, I would have to include Final Fantasy 3, Legend of Zelda (the 1986 one), Hot Shots Golf (any of them!), Lara Croft Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto III, and it has to be up there as well, Doom. I currently prefer the Play Station 2, but my favorites of all time always go back to the classic Nintendo games I played non-stop growing up.
