Thursday, June 15, 2006

Another $25

I was cruising around the 360's Live Marketplace and realized that my $400
investment was lacking some serious software. Software that could not be
lived without. I quickly remedied this problem and uploaded $25 for 2000
marketplace points. Because that is a good deal.

The first thing that I had to purchase was the Halo 3 dashboard skin. How
could I live without screenshots of the game's trailer faded into the
background of all my blade menus. Not! Obviously.

Next I through down some points on the Penny-Arcade Ultraskin. Gabe,
Tycho, Merch, and the Fruit F*cker. He will most likely be known as "a
character on an online comic" to anyone who asks. Fruit F*cker. That's

Then I realized that a game that costs a few bucks in points is better
than any game out for the 360 so I I already own a mimic
copy of the game on the Mac, but I thought I deserved to have the original
"old school" version that everyone feel in love with on lauch day.
Geometry Wars is like Robotron vs. Asteroids. It is the best.

I've probably spent close to half my points on that stuff. You can go
through pay downloads pretty quickly without realizing that you are
spending real money. But the behind the scenes Xbox 360 video included on
the box told me that I can customize my console. It's individualality.
Everyone's paying money to do it.

Give me some templates, MS. Let me make my own shit!

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