I’m complaining about Modern Warfare 2?
That’s right. I have a complaint to make. In CoD4MW multiplayer the gaming world was looking for a higher killstreak then 7 with the attack chopper. Well now we have it. And I don’t like it.
Before you go and say I’m crazy hear me out. The higher killstreak rewards would have been a great addition to CoD4. I’m going to exclude anyone that glitches out of the map or used the UFO glitch. I’m just talking about us hardcore gamers the stayed within the boundaries meant for us including climbing on some walls and window sills. I’ll even include those who jumped into rocks, because just getting into one and not getting killed was a challenge in of itself.
On average I would make it to the 7 killstreak in a game 60 percent of the time. An average killstreak would about an 11, and my high was a 32. My point is that maps like Ambush, Crash, Crossfire, Downpour, Overgrown, and Strike allowed for good killstreaks. We all had our sweet spots that allowed us to keep distance from the enemy and snipe. You could do better with the help of a friend watching your back. If the two knew what they were doing both could easily get big killstreaks. Quite often you would see someone get a 20+ killstreak. So yes Infinity Ward, give us more killstreak rewards.
So now here we are with maps like Favela, Highrise, Invasion, Karachi, Quarry, Rundown, Scrapyard, Skid Row Sub Base, Terminal and Underpass. All of these maps are distinctive, but they all are tight quarters and convoluted. The other maps Afghan, Derail, Estate and Wasteland provide a game style close to what we all learned and loved with CoD4.
I love the fact that these maps are larger than the CoD4 maps. But do they need to be filled up with buildings. I think maps from CoD4 like Crossfire and Overgrown made larger would be at the hearts of all of us fans. The new maps are basically square in overall shape when Ambush, Block, Bog, Downpour and Wetworks are all long narrow maps, Crossfire was almost Z shaped. Some of the buildings are big enough to where you could have small skirmishes going on while the bigger issues where just outside. There are even times when you can be up or downstairs from the enemy for a long time and not even confront each other. Now the buildings a so small and placed so close together that the average length of a fire fight is a three round burst.
Getting that CoD4 feel would be easy just by using maps that are in the game. Just in the Spec Ops, Snatch & Grab - the airplane graveyard would be perfect. Race – The snowmobile race, how about a section of it. Sniper Fi – the Sniper op where you camp a rooftop in a snow cover base. Evasion – the snowy woods where stealth is key. Suspension – great sniper battles would take place on that bridge. Overwatch – the farm area from CoD4 at night. Body Count – the fictional town, with the diner/gas station and fast food restaurant. And how hard would it be to implement the CoD4 maps. Maybe create game types for just the old maps and some including both the old and new maps.
With the MW2 maps the largest killstreaks me or my friends have seen is around 19. Yes I know there are more but a typical player without glitching with the elevator trick, leaving the map or other glitches can’t do much better. I seriously doubt I will ever see the nuke used on a multiplayer game without staging it with a friend. The big problem in getting to a 25 killstreak is that it’s hard enough to get to 11 for the AC130 with 2 killstreak rewards ahead of it to help you. You would need to get to 11 with one less killstreak, get hopefully 6 kills with your AC130 (not getting killed in the process), then still getting 8 more when you’re probably out of ammo. Sounds a little far fetched to me.
If I play all day (which I have been known to do) I think I should see a mushroom cloud once in that span.
PS Inifinty Ward, your game is awesome.
Agreed. I got a 24 kill streak last night. 24 and zero. I was the top of that game. But for some reason, my log shows my highest as 18. I guess the kills that my killstreak rewards got me don't really count. I'm kind of bummed about that.