Thursday, December 03, 2009

When Modern Warfare was 3.5" tall

I came across some pictures that took me back.

I grew up in the early 80’s forging a friendship and stimulating an industry. The friendship and industry is video games. I didn’t just sit in front of the TV with some version of a controller in my hand. At that same time there was something else big for a young boy to play with. Good old GI Joe. I had to look and see all that I had.

I have to thank my parents for what I had as a child growing up. I had quite a few figures and vehicles. The VAMP (the green jeep), the Skystriker (the F14 Tomcat), the Skimobile with Snowjob, the Chameleon with Zartan (he had a face to disguise his own), the Killer WHALE (the hovercraft), the Skyhawk (a cross between a helicopter and a plane), the Farret (an ATV), the Snow Cat (a half track), the Conquest X-30 (the jet with the forward swept wings), the Develfish (a small single manned orange boat), the Tomahawk (a dual prop transport helicopter), the Sea Ray (a Cobra single manned submersible). I’m not going to name the figures, there were way too many.

With all of this stuff I spent a lot of time planning out battles either in my room or outside. Oh, and I did have my own designated area in the backyard for my battlefield.

Thinking about my childhood, I had a revelation. Infinity Ward has provided me with the chance to play out all of my GI Joe imagination battles. Modern Warfare has tied in two of the most beloved things for a boys’ childhood from the 80’s. If you think about it you could draw similarities to the cast of characters in the GI Joe cartoon to Soap, Ghost, Capitan Price, and General Shepherd. Even Makarov and Zakhaev would fit in well with Cobra.

I ended up shooting some of my GI Joes with my BB gun pretending that they were being taken out by enemy artillery. Ahh, the good ol days!

So, thank you much Infinity Ward for bringing back my childhood.

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