Friday, January 20, 2006

Gamer Commits Suicide, Media Jumps

I hate the professional news media. If you watch news or read it for any other reason than your local info, your just kidding yourself.

When a kid kills himself over family and money issues, a group of fellow message board people follow up on him not being on in awhile after talking about killing himself days before. They call his family and find out that he did die, January 7th, in the hospital.

The news media got word that he was talking about on the message board and somehow turned it into him broadcasting it on the internet and the message board people going to the family's house to find out what happened. This story caused an investigation that shut down the website and smeared the image of gamers to the general public.

I think the reporter was going for the next case in gamer death, trying to make his name in the history books. A guy was playing EverQuest killed himself, two guys in Korea dying on gaming binges, another guy killed his friend for selling his virtual sword.

With crazy things like that happening in the world, the media doesn't need to make these stories up. It discredits'gamers who have a hard enough time being recognized as true hobbyists instead of people wasting their life away.

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