Saturday, April 22, 2006

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

And by things, I mean cooler running Xboxes.

I think I'm going to hold out for one small thing though before I purchase...good games.

1 comment:

  1. My husband just bought The Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion for his XBox 360 for his birthday.

    Near as I can tell, it's exactly the same as Elders Scrolls III, in that it is, in essense, a shopping game.

    Seriously, the character spends most of his time looking for treasure worth money, so that he can buy different magical clothing/armor, so that he can fight (for five minutes) to get to a place with more treasure, which he will then trade for more clothes. My hubby's brother and I had a nice time picking on him about his game, advising him to find shoes that match (which he probably can do), try hitting the Elf Gap, and to make sure he gets a haircut before his Big Date. In fact, we were certain all the preparation was for a Big Date once he told us that his chosen outfit had better protection than the others.
