Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Xbox 360: Having A Real Life

Neither I or Otis sat in a line for seven hours at our respective local Wal-Marts to pick one of these bad boys up. Why? Many reasons, actually.

1. We have jobs.
2. We have wives (and one of us a small child).
3. Xbox 360's line-up does not have Halo.
4. There were too many people there already.
5. If we aren't in bed before a decent hour, we are worthless.

I was actually sort of jealous. Although I've never had to wait in line for a system release, I miss the days of thinking I could do anything, any day of the week. I've stood in line for 4 hours for Star Wars: Episode 1. I've driven to four different Wal-Marts just to buy Mario Party. I've played James Bond on the N64 till 5:00am.

But that was all back in college days. It's almost like I feel there a little dignity in not freezing my ass off in the middle of November for a console with crap for launch games.

Don't worry Perfect Dark. I wasn't talking about you, sweetie.

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